Welcome To...


Won't You Shatter For Me?

Last Updated: August 22, 2001

I learned some html and redid the site, making it my own. The complete design is new, but where the pages were and what they do is the same. And I added the links section.

For free backgrounds/wallpapers/banners/buttons, this is *the* place. From here, you can look at:

The Commission Form
Where you can fill out the form and get your free wallpaper. It might take a little bit, to make everything good and all.

Past Commissions and Other Wallpapers
All of my work. There are several wallpapers that are not commissioned. Feel free to take something, but drop me a line first, alright? I want to know who's desktop/webpage my backgrounds will be resting at.

Progress of other wallpapers. You can see what your commission or someone else's is doing. I will also put up uncommissioned ones, if I'm doing any.


This is where I put up links to me and the places I like to go.

Comments? E-mail me at erowley@hotmail.com.

All graphics copyright Errie Wyvern, website mainted by Errie Wyvern, 2001